Been Set Free Campaign
Our campaign begins! Been Set Free is our first evangelistic campaign in years. While it seems different, in many ways it is not unfamiliar. This year we will be meeting in a tent located in our church parking lot. This traditional style of tent revival meetings fits well with the theme of Old Town Casa Grande.
With everything happening in our world right now, a message of hope is what we need. Everyone is invited to be a part of this series led by our conference president Ed Keyes. This series is just a part of our overall evangelistic strategy of Mission 100. This strategy is designed to fully involve our church in the Great Commission as well as serving our community with the power, love, and message of Jesus Christ.
Evangelistic series are important because the Adventist church has a very unique message to share with the world. One short sermon on a Saturday morning is not enough to even begin to scratch the surface. A series of presentations over a week is an effective way to unpack this message. A series of public meetings helps our church break away from the “church is once a week” mindset. Christ presented the gospel everyday and in any way he could. Our church can be just as effective.
We will be meeting every night March 6-12 except on Thursday. March 12 will conclude our series in the morning. We look forward to what these series will bring. Keep our church, our community, and the world in prayer.